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The Turlo Pass

An easy but long trail that connects Alagna and Macugnaga


Trail n°7 for the Turlo pass starts from the GTA (Grande Traversata of the Alps ) and the TMR (Tour of Mont Rosa) and is a particularly suggestive historical itinerary. It's a fundamental connection to the Anzasca valley which in the past was a particularly intense location of passage for the commercial exchange of goods and also for the flow of migrants. In the 14th century Walser colonies from Macugnaga founded the first settlements in the territory of Alagna. Testimony of the important role in the economy of the valley's neighbour of this hill is the place name that identifies it: Turlo pass in the Walser language (Ds' turlji) means “ little door”.

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The trail was transformed in a mule-track in the 30's by the alpinists allowing the transportation of small artillery to the area. The territory crossed by trail n°7 is found inside the Alta Valsesia Natural Park and is the ideal place to observe the local fauna. In spring it is quite easy to meet herds of Ibex in the pastures which substitute Larch woodlands above 1900 mt and in the pastures of Mittlentail e Faller. In spring the little amphitheatre at the end of the Wasserwiss valley known as Grafenboden or “ noble meadow” is covered by gentianella and high altitude forget-me-nots


Alagna, frazione Wold 1260 m
1478 m
4 h
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Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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