
December in Alagna

Cosa fare e cosa vedere ad Alagna Valsesia Monte Rosa

The official opening date of the ski lift facilities has been set for Friday 3rd December, but who knows, maybe an unexpected snowfall will allow us to anticipate the season! Starting from the 3rd and following the same time schedule as for the lifts, there will be a shuttle service that will take you from the car parks at the village entrance to the Jocu Chiara square, near the Monterosa Ski ticket offices.

At the moment, the current 70 cm of snow in Salati and the snowmaking work in progress in the Olen Valley look positively promising!

Lifts winter 2020-2021

From the opening and until the end of the Christmas holidays, the Alagna ticket offices will observe the following hours: from Monday to Friday and on weekends until 25th December: from 8:30 am to 5 pm,
And from 4th to 12th December, and 26th December till 9th January ticket office hours will be from 8:00 am to 5 pm  ph. +39 0163 922922

Ski passes can be purchased either at the Alagna ticket office or by clicking here .
The rates are dynamic both by booking in the online shop and at the ticket office.

To access the ski facilities, you must have  Green Pass, the issue of the ski pass purchased at the ticket office will take place only after checking the green certification;
If you decide to buy the ski pass through the online shop you must tick  the appropriate box declaring that you are in possession of it.
Spot checks are performed!

Only walking area

IMPORTANT, on the opening days of the cableway, driving in certain areas in town will be limited as the electronic access control for traffic located in the designated ZTL areas is active from 7 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5:30 pm.

Ski school

Our ski schools are ready to open! You can book in advance, but they will officially open on 3rd December. Bookings for the first long weekend, 8th December is well underway! Alagna Ski School 349 468 4270, Ski Academy 346 758 1096, Oxigenski 328 6386220.

Ice skating ring

The ice skating ring opens! Every day until Sunday 9th of January and all weekends of the winter season!

For info call 340 2388053

Indoor climbing

Indoor climbing is open from 18 to 20.30. The next opening days: 17, 18, 26, 28, 29 dicembre e 2, 4, 5 gennaio. €5 per person  max 14.

For private lessons, resevation is required  info.guidealagna@gmail.com | +39 340 5835738

Walser Culture

Our Walser Museum  in the Pedemonte hamlet will reopen its doors on 7th and 8th December from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. From Boxing Day (26th December) it will be open every day until January 6th at the same time. Those who decide to stay in Alagna during the week after the holidays, will be able to visit it every Thursday morning from 10 to 12.30 pm.

Scheduled events

-6th December: Saint Nicolas will be celebrated in the hamlet of Pedemonte with holy mass, offerings and the presence of the holy bishop "in flesh and blood",

-8th (Alagna) and 30th December (Riva Valdobbia) Christmas markets;

-7th, 28th December and 6th January - mark the dates for "Assaggi di Alagna": lively guided tours followed by tasting local food products (DE.CO denomination of municipal origin) in the Walser hamlets, from 4.30 pm. In the evening, the Teatro dell’ Unione Alagnese will hold free concerts (booking is needed as well as your Covid Green pass to enter),

Booking is compulsory to participate in "Assaggi di Alagna". Reserve your place by enquiring at the hotel or at the tourist office.

- 11th December is the date for the presentation of the book that talks about the 150 years of the Alagna Guide Corps given at the Teatro dell’ Unione Alagnese.

-30th December - Evening light show with music in Piazza Grober with the traditional torchlight procession of the ski instructors.

With the help of low temperatures, the ice skating rink will also be active again, and will open the long weekend of 8th December!

In the meantime, make the most of your stay in our territory that offers opportunities in all weather conditions. All the trails below 2000 meters asl are still accessible. The ground is not frozen yet and you can move about comfortably. The valleys of the Natural Parkthe Otro Valleyand Vogna Valley are all accessible and still offer fantastic sceneries displaying the final colours of this long warm autumn! The restaurants in the village reopen after a short break, so after a nice walk why don’t you treat yourself to some wholesome food that will undoubtedly warm your body and soul!

If you want to reach us by using public transport, look here: How to get to Alagna,

Alagna can easily be reached by train from Milan and Turin to either Vercelli or Novara first. Then, from Vercelli a bus trip with the Vercelli Atap Spa bus service or from Novara using the Baranzelli bus service.

Do you need help to read to timetable? Write here

On Sunday evening, there is a bus leaving from Alagna at 5:25 pm which takes you directly to Milan Lampugnano. See the timetable here

We will keep you updated on everything!


Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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